KOS High Speed Wireless Internet
Refer-A-Friend Program

Are you happy with your residential wireless internet services with KOS? Do you have friends or family who would like to be connected to reliable high-speed internet services?
Are you a customer of KOS who would like a free month of wireless internet service courtesy of KOS?
If you answered yes to these questions, please keep reading below!

What is the KOS Refer-A-Friend program?

If you are a current residential wireless internet customer of KOS and you refer someone to us who signs up for residential wireless internet services, we will credit you for 1 full month of service for free! You become eligible for the free month of service once your friends’ service has been installed and has been active for 30 days.

Is there a limit to the number of people I can refer to KOS?

Nope! You can refer as many friends, neighbours or acquaintances to us as you’d like. For example, if you refer 3 people to us and they all sign up for wireless internet services, you will receive 3 free months of wireless internet service from KOS.

How do I refer a friend to KOS?

It’s very simple! When you refer someone to KOS, all they have to do is provide us with your name, address and phone number when they are signing up.

Who is eligible for the refer a friend credit?

All current residential wireless internet customers of KOS are eligible for this program!

Does the person I refer to KOS have to live near me?

No. You can live in Gananoque and refer someone to us in Sydenham, Picton, Wellington, Trenton, Frankford, Belleville, Waupoos, Wolfe Island, Howe Island, Amherst Island … I think you get the idea! The person you refer to us just has to be eligible for wireless internet services where we provide service.

Is there criteria that has to be met to be eligible for this program?

Yes, there are a few requirements for the KOS refer a friend program:

  • You can’t refer yourself to KOS.
  • When the person you refer to us identifies you, they must have your name, address and phone number (so we can identify you) and present it to us at the time of signing up for services.
  • Your friends’ services must be active for 30 days before the credit will be applied to your account.
  • To be eligible for the credit(s), you must have an active and recurring payment method on file with KOS.
  • You must be in good standing with KOS in order to receive the free month of service. Free services won’t be applied to customers who have cancelled or whose services are suspended.
  • The person you refer to KOS must not be an existing customer of KOS.

What happens if I cancel my services with KOS but still have some free months of credit from this program?

If you cancel your services, KOS will not pay out free months of service that you accrued through this program.

What if I have any questions about the refer a friend program?

Please contact us at 613-549-8667 or by email at accounts@kos.net!

The refer-a-friend program is subject to change and may change or end without notice.